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Interested in Protecting Your Logo or Design?


What is a trademark?

A word, sign, or design that shows source of services or distinguishes them from other parties 

Trademark Benefit 1

Legal presumption that creator/artist is the owner of the mark

Trademark Benefit 3

Puts public on notice of ownership of the mark

Trademark Benefit 5

Record registration with US customs and border protection

Trademark Benefit 7

You can use the registration for foreign filing

Trademark Benefit 2

Legal presumption of the exclusive right to use that mark

Trademark Benefit 4

Trademark is listed in the USPTO's database

Trademark Benefit 6

You have the right to bring legal action concerning the trademark in federal court

Trademark Benefit 8

You have the ability to use the federal registration symbol

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© 2021 by Bright trademarks LLC. 

Salisbury, Maryland

NOTICE: is an interactive platform that matches artistic talent with customers. is operated by Bright Trademarks, LLC. Neither Bright Trademarks, LLC or are law firms and neither provides legal advice. All Information provided by and Bright Trademarks, LLC, and/or its owners, representatives, employees and agents is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. 
This notice constitutes commercial Advertising Material in accordance with all state and federal laws.

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