Artist Services
Our artists have a wide variety of talents and are experienced in a wide variety of design and artistic disciplines. Select from among our animators, storyboard artists, graphic designers, mixed media artists, musicians, songwriters, music producers, writers, photographers, and painters for all of your commercial, business, and personal needs. Whether you need content for advertising, website design, logo design, branding, animation, audio content, photography, written content, musical content, or other media or content, our purpose is to connect you or your business with the right creative talent. Select from among our artists for business design and content needs, personal needs such as custom media for celebrating special events or occasions, or commissioning an artist for special purpose projects. Our list of artists makes clear which discipline or creative space each of them works in, and also makes clear whether their work product can be licensed, purchased, and/or commissioned. In addition, we provide trademark and copyright registration services through The Law Office of Arlette Kelly Bright, P.C.