What is a Copyright?
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression
Works that can be Copyrighted
Literary Works
Musical Works
Dramatic Works
Pantomimes and Choreographic Works
Pictorial, Graphic, and Sculptural Works
Motion Pictures and Audiovisual Works
Sound recordings
Architectural Works
U.S. Exclusive Rights of Copyright 2
Derivative Work Right
Authors have the right to adapt the copyrighted work​
U.S. Exclusive Rights of Copyright 4
Public Performance Right
The author has the exclusive right to perform the copyrighted work publicly​
U.S. Exclusive Rights of Copyright 6
Digital Audio Transmission Right
Allows the owner exclusive right to limit the public performance of certain digitally transmitted sound recordings​
U.S. Exclusive Rights of Copyright 1
Reproduction Rights
The author gets exclusive rights to reproduce the work in any manner
U.S. Exclusive Rights of Copyright 3
Distribution Right
Allows the author to control the initial public distribution of the copyrighted work​
U.S. Exclusive Rights of Copyright 5
Public Display Right
Allows the owner exclusive right to display the copyrighted work​